I have 2 abiding memories of Matthew. The first is of him sat in the chair in the bay window at Mum's house, he would have been around 11 or 12, systemically reading Trivial Pursuit cards, not in a bid to win the game but just because he had such a thirst for knowledge. Quite happy on his own, he just wanted to absorb the world.
The second is a lovely memory, when Matthew actually deigned to play the piano for me, from what I recall this wasn't a regular occurrence. I can't remember how old we were, maybe I was around 20 and he would have been 15. He played a tune and asked me to guess what it was. Now I knew the piece of music, I knew I'd heard it plenty of times before, I could hum along, tell you what the next note would be but I could not recall what the song was at all. At the end I had to admit I didn't know the name of song, and smiling he told it me Layla by Derek and Dominoes, of course it is I said, but from the look on his face I knew he didn't believe me, so frustrating :-) I always remember that moment when I hear the instrumental section of that song.
Of course if Mum were still here she'd be recalling the many, many.....many times she watched Matthew on Young Musician of the Year. She loved that video, she was so proud of him (we all were, I may have mentioned a few times to people, oh yes, my cousin won the piano final of Young Musician of the Year, as if I could be just a little more fabulous myself because of the association).
Matt, for all his intellect was such a caring, gentle soul. I can't imagine that anyone who met him would ever have a bad word to say about him. He'll be remembered in the family as the brainy one and we're not a daft bunch, who always had a ready smile and a caring word to hand.